Friday, February 17, 2012

12-Point to Business School Experience - Preparing for MBA

Kelvin Chiu of Chinese University of Hong Kong's (CUHK) MBA class 2013 shares with Business Because his 12 points to make the most of his MBA experience. Perhaps you too are preparing yourself for an MBA experience soon. Read what Kelvin has to share. Perhaps you can share with GMAT Malaysia readers how you are preparing for your MBA experience. Post your comments below.

You can read my ESMT MBA 2010 Endurance Expedition experience here.

Jimmy Low

Post MBA Visas - Preparing before Graduation

Most of us, when choosing to do our MBA in a particular country, also choose to stay back to gain employment. But how often do we prepare ourselves in advance. Very often we just prepare for admission but not beyond. Will the country where you do your MBA restrict you from staying back?

Business Because posted a guide to post study visas for MBA graduates in Germany, Canada, the USA, Australia and Singapore. Read on.

Jimmy Low

Monday, February 13, 2012

ESMT goes Mobile

ESMT website on MacBook Pro and HTC Desire HD Android smartphone

ESMT launched its mobile version of ESMT website for those on the go. You will find all the essential information about ESMT and its programs by entering on your mobile browser.

Main page and full-time MBA page as viewed from my HTC Desire HD Android smartphone

Jimmy Low

Nanyang's MSc Technopreneurship & Innovation Program

Nanyang Technopreneurship Center offers its Master of Science in Technopreneurship and Innovation Program (MSc TIP) as a global entrepreneurship and innovation program based in Asia.

Offered by Nanyang Technological University (NTU) since 2002, this revolutionary curriculum equips candidates with the skills and experiences to take full advantage of advanced technology and global business practices.
The NTU MSc TIP is a one-year, full-time program based in Singapore. The program focuses on experiential hands-on learning and includes immersion trips to US and China. A class is typically made up of participants from about 10 countries and from various educational and industry backgrounds.

For more information, visit NTU's TIP website

Jimmy Low

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Digital GMAT Books on Amazon Kindle

The proliferation of smart devices such as smartphones, tablets and e-readers, offers a new avenue to read books and acquire knowledge. Amazon Kindle offers more than 1 million digital books, among them books on GMAT.

For those looking for GMAT materials and are always on the move (or trying to squeeze some time for GMAT while commuting), consider GMAT books in digital format. All the popular books by Kaplan, Princeton Review, Veritas and Manhattan GMAT are available in this digital format from Amazon Kindle.

Amazon Kindle app (left) and GMAT digital books search results (right) on my HTC Desire HD Android smartphone

The only catch is you can't sell your digital books (or could you?)

Jimmy Low