Sunday, February 21, 2010

MBA Podcaster - Your Verbal Guide to Business Schools

I received an email from introducing the MBA Podcaster. I thought this is a refreshing perspective to business schools research and admission application process. For those of us who are better listeners than readers of small fonts, check out the link. The website covers all aspects of business school applications including GMAT, interviews with deans and admissions committees.

Good luck from GMAT Malaysia

Jimmy Low

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Gong Xi Fa Cai - 2010 Year of Tiger

Wishing all GMAT Malaysia followers a
Happy and Prosperous
Year of Tiger 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Business School Essays and the Avocado!

In my book MBA Admissions Strategy I offer the following advice: “Proofread to show your hunger for admission, your real desire to be selected.” Typographic or other careless errors in your text immediately clues admissions officers in as to how (un)careful you were with your text, and this tells them not only how organized and detail-oriented you are — whether you are a ‘finisher’ — but also how much you actually really care about your application to their particular school. (More)


Jimmy Low