The Official Guide for GMAT Review is now in its 13th edition. A necessary companion for any GMAT takers; this Guide has over 800 questions for the Verbal and Quant sections as well as AWA essays. Included in this edition is the online companion to help you prepare for the Integrated Reasoning section, which will be introduced from 1st June 2012.
According to, the Official Guide for GMAT Review, 13th Edition Online Integrated Reasoning Section features:
- 50 Integrated Reasoning practice questions and answer explanations
- Comprehensive details about what the Integrated Reasoning section measures and how to understand each question type
- Links to additional resources to prepare for the GMAT exam
So, what has changed in the 13th Edition? ManhattanGMAT provided a detailed analysis of the 13th Edition.
You can get a copy from Amazon, or Kinokuniya Kuala Lumpur (for those in Malaysia).
Good luck in your preparation, from all of us at GMAT Malaysia.
Jimmy Low
Hi GMAT Malaysia, I am currently having Manhattan GMAT (MGMAT) 4th edition and OG12 as my prep books, and I've read some forums saying that 'Idioms' will no longer be tested in Verbal-SC....besides, I'm also planning to take the next generation GMAT, with integrated reasoning (IR) not taking IR into account, do you think MGMAT 4th ed & OG12 are good enough for me? Or is it necessary to get OG13 & MGMAT 5th ed?
Hi Unknown @ 4:38AM,
Well, since you are not taking the Integrated Reasoning into account, then probably the Official Guide 12th Edition would be sufficient. Typically about 20-30% of the questions - Verbal and Quant are replaced in every edition and previously unreleased questions are added.
I can't comment on the ManhattanGMAT 4th Edition or the Idioms questions. For the latter, unless it is officially mentioned by GMAC, I would continue to prepare for it.
You will have to decide what's best for your preparation. There are various sources of materials to help you prepare. You make that choice.
Jimmy Low
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