Showing posts with label MBA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MBA. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tell the World about Your Program!

We would like to help you reach out to your targeted audience. We received over 20,000 pageviews to-date and still growing with readers from Malaysia, USA, Germany and India being the top countries.

If you want your program to be known, send me (my email address on the sidebar) the details about the program or class preferably 7 days in advance (if there is a deadline). This would give me time to post on GMAT Malaysia and my readers to respond to your ads.

And, it is free. Nothing works better than a (reliable) word-of-mouth.

Jimmy Low

P/S: I am selective in what I post here. Not all advertisements will be accepted as I would need to screen and understand the contents before posting. There is no obligation on your part nor on mine.