Monday, May 14, 2012

Ready or Not, Here IR* Come .....

* stands for Integrated Reasoning

The Next Generation GMAT that everyone is waiting for (good or bad is a matter of perception :P) The Integrated Reasoning (IR) will replace one of the Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) come 5th June 2012. In this new section, you are tested on your ability to analyse a case within 30 minutes. You will given info from various sources, graphs or charts to interpret and table to analyse. Yes, all these within 30 minutes. Phewwww!

ManhattanGMAT offers an analysis of what you can expect in the Integrated Reasoning section.

For those who are going to take GMAT after 4th June, tell us about your Integrated Reasoning experience.

Jimmy Low

Friday, May 4, 2012

GMAT Malaysia Poll

Judging from the questions we got, we are curious how did you prepare for GMAT. Please take the poll (see the Poll at the side bar). Poll ends 31st Dcember 2012.

Thank you for your participation.

Jimmy Low